GC3RH0B - A Cache Dedicated to Gotta Run

GC3RH0B - A Cache Dedicated to Gotta Run

By: Gotta Geocache

1. Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates: N 44° 40.099 W 088° 14.689

Geocache Description:

A cache Dedicated to Gotta Run

This is a thank you cache to gotta run for all the wonderful caches they have hid !!!

The coords are N 44 $).^** W 88 AB.CDE

A= Month Number they hid there 54th cache Example September Is the 9th month so September=9
B= How many sentences there are in gotta run's info
C=The Terrain of the second cache they hid
D=Gotta run's 156th cache diffaculty rating
E=How Many Caches Gotta Run hid in 2006 -8 =E

I would like to wish you luck on this cache!!!

Click to verify coordinates

Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2. Solve the puzzle.

Puzzle Coordinates:  N 44 $).^** W 88 AB.CDE

These symbols, $).^**, are located above each corresponding number on the computer keyboard.  Use the numbers that go with each symbol to solve the North coordinate.

N 44 $).^** = N 44 40.688

A =  Mon
th Number they hid their 54th cache

A = 1
gotta run - caches hidden 
GC19K0G - 54th cache listed, hidden 2/22/2008 (Even though this was the 54th cache, having A = 2 didn't solve the puzzle.)
GC18F5H - 52nd cache listed, hidden 1/7/2008, A = 1 (solved puzzle)
GC18G2Y - 53rd cache listed, hidden 1/9/2008, A = 1 (solved puzzle)

B = How many sentences there are in gotta run's info?
B = 4
gotta run - profile info
"We enjoy finding and hiding caches in interesting and out of the way places. 
We like tough hikes and lung-busting climbs in search of elusive Tupperware. 
If you don't come back from geocaching scraped up, soaked to the waist, tick-laden, sun-burnt or frozen to the core, dehydrated, hungry, a little disoriented, but victorious and ready for more, what's the point? 
No puzzle too gnarly, no terrain too challenging, no tree too high...well, scratch that last one, no one on our team really likes climbing trees!"

C = The Terrain of the second cache they hid

C = 2
GCYCCP - 2nd cache hidden, 9/17/2006, T 2

D = Gotta run's 156th cache Difficulty rating

D = 1
gotta run - caches hidden
GC3M7ZY - 156th cache, D 2.5  (neither 2 nor 3 solve the puzzle)
GC3MQ5T - 158th cache, D 1 (solved puzzle)

E = How Many Caches Gotta Run hid in 2006 - 8
E = 2
10 caches placed in 2006 minus 8 = 2

3.  Put the Solve Coordinates together.

Posted Coordinates: N 44° 40.099 W 088° 14.689

Puzzle Coordinates:  N 44 $).^** W 88 AB.CDE

Solved Coordinates:

   N 44 40.688, W 88 14.212   

4.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Verify the solved coordinates with Evince.

Evince - solved coordinates

Despite the puzzle errors, Success!!  Great work Team!!!


  1. I agree with Ribtickers solve. The only questionable value is D. The value for the difficulty rating is really 2.5. I tried replacing the number 3 with the number 2, but still no luck. I also looked back at the value for A., after counting the caches to 54 the month is Feb. or 2. This the coordinates would be N 44 40.688 W088 24.232 which is incorrect.

  2. It's also not N 44 40.688 W 088 24.222. Looked everything back up.
    A = 2 February
    B= 4 Sentences
    C= 2 Terrain 2nd hid
    D= 2.5 Diffaculty of 156th
    E = 2 caches hid in 2006-8

  3. Question. To be within the 2 miles can A=2?

  4. #54. GC19K0G. 02/22/2008
    #156. GC3M7ZY 2.5/2.5

  5. I've been locked out of Evince (too many tries). Here are four coords that need to be tested. I tested ...232, so don't do that one. I think there is a good chance one of these will work.

    N 44 40.688 W 088 14.212
    N 44 40.688 W 088 14.222
    N 44 40.688 W 088 14.232 - Nope (Google Maps = Just off Mountain Bay State Trail, in Pulaski Community Park, Hmm!)
    N 44 40.688 W 088 14.242
    N 44 40.688 W 088 14.252

  6. It's not N 44 40.688 W 088 14.222. Now have to wait 10 mins to try the next one.

  7. Congratulations!

    You entered: N 44° 40.688 W 088° 14.212

    These are the correct coordinates, as specified by the owner of the cache. Now get out there and find that cache!
