GC57E46 - May 21, 2004

GC57E46 - May 21, 2004
By: zuma!

1. Here is the puzzle.


2.  The Title Says It All.

All of the items in the Geocache Description appear to be red herrings.  The answer to this puzzle is in the cache title:  May 21, 2004.  The right question to ask is, "Why is that date important to zuma!"  The most logical answers are, either it was the first date he hid a cache or the first date he found a cache.

3.  Search zuma's Profile.

To open zuma's profile, right click on the "zuma!" link, and open the page in a new tab.

Notice that zuma! became a member on May 21, 2004.

Since zuma! became a member on May 21, 2004, that is probably the date that he found his first geocache.  Therefore, you should start by looking at the caches he has found.

4.  Identify caches Found by zuma! on May 21, 2004.

To locate caches found by zuma!, click on the 'Geocaches' tab, then choose "(All Geocache Finds)".

This will take you to a list of every cache that has ever been Found by zuma!  To get to the oldest cache found by zuma!, click on the double right arrows (>>).

As you can see, zuma! found his first cache on May 21, 2004.

5.  Locate the Coordinates for zuma's first cache.

To locate the coordinates, open the cache page for zuma's first Find.
GCHFKG - 08 Martin Van Buren - M

6.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.

Since there is no GeoChecker for this cache, you need to verify that these coordinates represent a reasonable solution.  You can accomplish this with a very useful program called FizzyCalc.  Here is a link to the software download page.

Because the Final Location must be within 2 miles of the posted coordinates, the posted coordinates must be within 2 miles of the proposed solved coordinates.  

To check the distance between the two sets of coordinates, open FizzyCalk and click on the "Distance" tab.  Enter the two sets of coordinates in the "Point 1" and "Point 2" fields, and click "Go".

As you can see, the posted coordinates are .560178 miles from the solved coordinates, which is well within the 2 mile limit.

Before chasing off to look for the cache, there is one last method you should use to double check the proposed solved location.  Enter and compare both the posted coordinates and the solved coordinates on Google Maps.  Make sure the proposed solved coordinates are in a location that is reasonable.  Here is a link to Google Maps.
Google Maps

Here is the map for the Posted Coordinates:

Here is the map for the proposed Solved Coordinates.

7.  The Verified Solved Coordinates.

Here are the Solved Coordinates:
   N 44° 48.284 W 091° 31.635   


  1. I noticed that most (if not all) of the linked words went to Wiki, so I opened several links. Since the title is May 21, 2004, I decided that the date was probably important.

    Using Ctrl F, I searched several of the listings, and discovered that some of them had listings in the References section dated May 21, xxxx.

    Here is and example from Vladmir Putin:

    "334. Masha Gessen (21 May 2012). "The Dictator". The New York Times. Retrieved 21 May 2012."

    The line number "334" looks very interesting to me.

    Here is another listing from Kyoto Protocol:

    "83. "Kyoto Protocol". UNFCCC. 14 May 2008. Retrieved 21 May 2009."

    Again, the "83" is interesting.

    There are several that do not have any reference to May 21 in their listings, so I would skip those, since there are too many listing for the number of coordinate digits that are needed.

    That is all the evaluation I have done, but I think it has potential.

  2. .
    Here is a link that Mr RT located, which identifies all of the References that had a link to May 21. This should save some time evaluating this possible lead, because it weeds out the items that don't have a May 21 association.


    Scroll down the page until you get to May 21, 2004. This is very interesting, because the items on the list are links in the puzzle.

    Any thoughts on this???

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Keep in mind that 2004 was a leap year and that May 21 was day number 142 of that year. Could their be A CONNECTION TO THE PUZZLE?

  5. I would expect this cache to be located in Carson Park and do have coordinates that are possible looking at the name of the cache and day of the year. Could this puzzle be this simple?

  6. My simple coordinates were incorrect after contacting BeccaDay. She gave me the general vicinity of Braun's Bay. I guess back to trying to finding some commonality between the events of that year!!

    1. Braun's Bay is in Carson Park. Here is a park map link;


  7. Looked at the graphics of the Dilbert comic script from May 21, 2004, but found no useful information

  8. Go look at this cache -- GCHFKG

    There is something very interesting in the logs. ;-)
