GC3Y9MQ - WOSM - Europe

GC3Y9MQ - WOSM - Europe
By:  gotta run

1.  Here is the puzzle.

Posted Coordinates:  N 45° 08.814 W 088° 38.176

Geocache Description:

THE CACHE IS NOT AT THE POSTED COORDINATES. Solve the puzzle to find the cache. This is a series of Geocaches designed to introduce you to the diversity of Scouting across the globe.

The World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) is the international organization that governs most national Scout Organizations, with 31 million members worldwide. WOSM was established in 1920 and has its headquarters at Geneva, Switzerland. It is the counterpart of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

The WOSM is comprised of 6 regions: Africa, Arab, Asia-Pacific, Eurasia, Europe, and Interamerica. The 6 geocaches in the WOSM series are dedicated to each of these regions.

The European Scout Region comprises 41 National Scout Organizations that are members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement and services Scouting in Western and part of Central Europe.

All the formerly communist states of Central Europe have developed or are developing Scouting in the wake of the renaissance in the region. These include Albania, Bulgaria, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and the successor states to Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and the Baltic nations independent of the former Soviet Union. Of these, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary have been most successful in regrowing their Scout movements and are very well-developed.

Country profile: Germany

Scouting in Germany started in 1909. German Scouting flourished until 1934-35, when nearly all associations were closed and their members had to join the Hitler Youth. In West Germany and West Berlin, Scouting was reestablished after 1945, but it was banned in East Germany until 1990 in favor of the Thälmann Pioneers and the Free German Youth. Today it is present in all parts of the unified Federal Republic of Germany.

Today, the Scout movement in Germany consists of about 150 different associations and federations with about 260,000 Scouts and Guides.

The Cache is At: 45 08.ABC 88 38.DEF

Scouting in Germany flourished until 193C-BA.

Scouting was reestablished in West Germany in 19DE.

There are about 2F0,000 Scouts and Guides in Germany.

You can check your answers for this puzzle on GeoChecker.com.
Additional Hints (No hints available.)

2.  Solve the puzzle.

The Cache is At: 45 08.ABC 88 38.DEF

Scouting in Germany flourished until 193C-BA. (1934-35)

Scouting was reestablished in West Germany in 19DE. (1945)

There are about 2F0,000 Scouts and Guides in Germany. (260K)

Solved Coordinates:

N 45 08.534, W 088 38.456

3.  Verify the Solved Coordinates.
Use GeoChecker to verify the solved coordinates.
GeoChecker - WOSM Europe

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